.earth postcards — A free entry into a rich ecosystem.

Agent R(oger)


The free mint token eligible claimers received.

The QuantumTECH team has been hired by the .earth project, in order to provide the tech development, smart contract, UX, and UI for the project. The project is being announced with an initial free claim for a series of eligible members within the NFT community.


Eligibility requirements for the claim.

The Claim was announced on the 22nd of April, 2022 with the initial details about the project, alongside the rules in order to claim the NFT. There are two distinct methods in which someone was made eligible for the .earth claim.

In order to verify the former a Premint link was created, this confirmed that you were in the .earth Discord Server, followed the .earth Twitter account and had an ENS name contained in their wallet. A total of 359 eligible addresses were collected from this list. From this the data was converted into a Merkle Tree, which allows for an incredibly compact, and quick mechanism to verify the wallets as being on the list.

For the latter, a whitelisting mechanism was introduced into the Smart Contract. This checks if the holder contains a token from any of the above listed collections. If they do, then the contract will verify this user as being eligible to claim.

The Claim

The ours.earth claim page.

From 04/27/2022 at 6:30PM EDT until 05/27/2022 at 6:30PM EDT, the claim portal will be open at ours.earth and from there you will be able to claim your NFT. If your wallet has one of the tokens listed within the whitelisted contracts, or you signed up on Premint before the cutoff date, you will be able to proceed to mint.

Looking Forwards

This is just the first release with QuantumTECH and .earth. Make sure to enter their Discord Server and the qNFT Hub, and follow along to learn more about this project, and the ways that it will utilise and expand the way we think and interact with our ENS domains.



Agent R(oger)

Technical Project Manager at Quantum.Tech, writing pieces about the technology we develop and release.